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The Why Behind Color Eyewear Lenses

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While we love colored eyewear lenses as an opportunity to make a bold fashion statement, that’s not all they can do. A different lens color for your eyewear or sunglasses can help filter light differently to fit your unique needs best. Unsure if you could benefit from a pair of colored lenses, read below! 

Whether you need to enhance the colors you see, make your colors more vivid, reduce glare, or improve visual acuity, there is a colored lens for you! 

Choosing Your Lens Color


Green eyewear lenses create contrast in your vision by filtering out a larger percentage of blue light. This color lens reduces glare and allows you to see more comfortably on bright sunny days. If you are a golfer or tennis player, a pair of green lenses may be a great addition to your game! 


Gray lenses are one of the most common for a standard pair of sunwear. This color reduces the glare of light when reflecting off of surfaces like water or pavement. In addition to cutting glare, gray lenses easily shield bright light, making them an excellent option for sunny or cloudy days. While gray lenses are a perfect everyday lens for most people, the glare reduction is the ideal addition to individuals who spend time on the water. 

Blue or purple

Blue tinted lenses improve color perception and increase your ability to see object contours. This color of lenses also increases visibility by reducing glare on snowy surfaces or in foggy/misty environments. Our favorite part? Blue lenses look great at almost any skin tone keeping you looking and seeing your best!

Red or rose

Rose-colored lenses are the perfect pair of lenses for many sports activities like skiing and cycling. Red or rose-colored sunglasses block blue light, helping to reduce eye strain. They also increase your vision’s depth of field and provide enhanced detail.

Yellow, orange, or gold

While yellow, orange, or gold lenses may distort your vision’s color, they are an excellent solution for indoor sports with lower lighting conditions. By providing improved visibility of objects, this color lens makes your surroundings seem brighter. This color lens also provides increased depth perception. 

Amber or brown

Like rose and orange-colored lenses, amber or brown lenses reduce glare and help brighten surroundings when in lower light conditions. Activities like golf and baseball that need improved depth perception across the green or blue landscape will benefit from this color lens. 

Ready to try out a new pair of colored lenses? Before purchasing sunglasses with colored lenses, stop by the office, and we can help evaluate which lens color will be the best fit for you. Or during your next appointment, ask us about sport-specific eyewear. Some frames allow you to change your lens based on your activity! 

Written by Art of Optometry

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