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Protecting Your Eyes in Every Season

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There are many things we need to protect our eyes from all year round, including allergies, dry eye, and harmful UV rays. Each of these could affect your eyes any day of the year.  Take a look at these tips for protecting your eyes so you can stay allergy-free, hydrated, and protected  from harmful UV rays.

Reducing Allergy Symptoms

Whether you have seasonal, perennial, or indoor allergies, the key to protecting yourself is to reduce your exposure to allergens. From summer to winter, here are some tips to reduce your symptoms.

  • Wear Sunglasses. Try wearing sunglasses outside to protect yourself from harmful UV rays and keep pollen or allergens from entering your eyes. 
  • Keep your hands and face clean. Your hands touch many surfaces throughout the day and can easily pick up allergens from your surroundings. Reduce the possibility of allergens entering your eye by making sure your hands are clean before touching your face and eyes. 
  • Opt for glasses. Contact lenses are an excellent option for most people, but if you are heavily affected by outdoor allergens, opting for glasses instead might reduce allergy symptoms. Glasses allow your eyes to maintain lubrication and act as a shield from outdoor allergens.
  • Keep your windows shut and use your air conditioning instead!
  • Use an air purifier to remove your allergy triggers from your indoor space.
  • Keep your eyes lubricated by using artificial tears and rewetting drops.

Protecting Your Eyes From Against Harmful UV

Your exposure to harmful UV rays is affected by many different factors from location, time of day, cloud cover to your environment. However, these factors don’t mean that UV protection is not needed. Check out our facts below about UV rays and different environments.

  • Clouds: While clouds do block some light and UV rays, UVA can penetrate clouds and reach your eyes.
  • Sun: Easy, sun = UV radiation. Always make sure you are wearing your sunglasses on a sunny day!
  • Snow: On sunny days, snow can reflect up to 90% of UV radiation. Wear a pair of sunwear on snowy days to protect your eyes and reduce blinding glare from reflected light.
  • Water: Water can reflect up to 10% of UV light and sand by almost 15%. So next time you head out to go fishing or to the beach, remember your UV protective eyewear!

Reduce Your Dry Eye Symptoms

Does chronic dry eye syndrome or extended computer use have your eyes tired, red, and itchy? Try these tips to reduce your dry eye symptoms and find relief!

  • Weather: If you are going out on a cold or windy day, pack your glasses or sunwear! Heavy wind can cause your eyes to dry out. By wearing a pair of eyewear, you are keeping your eyes hydrated. 
  • Take a computer break. Our bodies naturally blink less when working on a digital device. Remember to take breaks from your computer screen to give your eyes a break!
  • Remember to blink! Try adding a note to your computer screen to remind yourself to blink! Blinking is what keeps your eyes hydrated and can help alleviate dry eye symptoms. 
  • Keep your eyes lubricated by using artificial tears and rewetting drops. 

Ready to start protecting your eyes all year round! Grab a pair of eyewear during your next appointment or ask us about relief from your symptoms. We are here to help. 

Written by Art of Optometry

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