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Online Shopping? What You’re Missing When You Purchase Online

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Love online shopping and want to extend your purchases to online eyewear? Before you do, let us share with you what you may be missing! Eyewear is one of the most important investments you can make, it will help you see the world around you and complete your daily life to the best of your ability. We don’t want you to end up with a pair of eyewear that will break, scratch, or even discolor over time.  Our goal is to find you a pair of eyewear that will last and not need frequent replacement. 

Know the difference.

When you compare online eyewear to our practice, there is always a compromise to be made. One of the most significant features lost when buying online eyeglasses is individual care. When purchasing eyewear in our office, our opticians will recommend eyewear based on your daily routine, provide professional fittings, and ensure your eyewear quality is examined. In addition, once you purchase your eyewear, you have our team to call if something breaks, scratches, or stretches. We are happy to readjust your glasses anytime a mishap happens!


Many types of metal, plastic, and lens materials are used in the eyewear manufacturing process. Online retailers often use lower quality materials in the eyewear they are selling, leading to more easily damaged or worn eyewear. Unsure about the materials offered in an online store? Ask us! We are happy to share our recommended frame and lens materials or brands for your unique needs. 

Try it On For Fit & Style

When buying glasses from an online retailer, you sacrifice the opportunity to try various eyewear shapes and colors to see how they fit your face. We know a virtual try-on just doesn’t cut it! In addition to style, purchasing eyewear online does not allow a proper fitting of your final eyewear. Our staff is experienced in altering your nose pads, ears, and arms of your frames to ensure they are the perfect fit for you. As a result of an online purchase, you may receive a pair of glasses that are too tight or loose for your face.


Did you know some materials could cause skin irritation! Lower quality metal frames can discolor your skin or even cause a skin rash due to allergy. With prolonged wear, low quality plastic frames will discolor in sunlight and the smooth finish can diminish. If your frames are made with inexpensive materials, they are not designed to withstand extended use, unlike eyeglasses sold by our office, which are designed to be long-lasting.

Sunwear Protection

Quality and material is the most crucial factor when purchasing sunwear. If you are tempted to buy low-cost sunglasses because of the fear of misplacing or scratching them, stop! While we understand the fear of breaking your new pair of sunglasses, we feel your eye protection is always most important. It is crucial to protect your eyes from UV radiation damage! So, don’t give up 100% UV protection for a lower sticker price.

Are you still looking to purchase eyewear online? We ask that you come into the office to talk with our staff first! Ask our team to write out their specific recommendations so you can compare your new eyewear features equally across suppliers.

Written by Art of Optometry

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