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Cleaning Your Glasses 101

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Your glasses are one of the essential things you wear every day! Your eyewear helps you navigate the world around you, learn new things, and give you the ability to make memories with friends and family. Are you taking the best care of them? One of the best ways to keep you seeing your best is by regularly cleaning your lenses. And you may do it already, but are you doing it right? Here are our recommended steps for cleaning your glasses and common do’s and don’t of lens care. 

Cleaning Your Glasses

Using soap to clean your lenses.

With a clean hand, place a drop of cleaning soap on your fingertip. We recommend avoiding hand soaps that contain lotion or fragrance to prevent smudges on the lens. 

  • Do not use any household cleaners like window cleaning spray or alcohol to clean your lenses. These products may cause damage to the coating on your frames or lenses.
  • Do not use hand soap or baby wipes to clean your lenses. These products commonly have moisturizing properties that can lead to a hazy residue after cleaning.

Washing & Rinsing

Under room temperature water, gently rub your entire frame and lenses with your fingers. We do not recommend using hot water as it could damage coatings on your eyewear. Rinse your eyewear to remove all soap residue.

Drying or wiping your lenses clean.

Using a microfiber cleaning cloth, dry your glasses. If you notice that your lens cleaning cloth is dirty, clean with your standard laundry load. However, be sure NOT to use fabric softener as this adds residue to your material that could cause smudges on your eyewear. 

  • Don’t use toilet paper, your shirt, or other cloth to clean your glasses. Most fabric cloths, especially with dry lenses, can scratch, smear, or leave lint on your lenses. 
  • Don’t try to buff out any scratches. If your lenses have been scratched, contact us, and we will let you know what we can do to help!

Have questions about how to best care for your eyewear, let us know. We are here to help! We are also always happy to fully clean and disinfect your eyewear during your next appointment. Schedule your next exam today by giving our office a call.

Written by Art of Optometry

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