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6 Common Eye Symptoms and What to Do

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Suffering from eye discomfort or blurry vision can be scary, especially if it comes on suddenly or is a result of a dramatic event. Below are some of the common eye-related disorders. However, remember that common doesn’t mean it should be ignored. If you are experiencing any of these systems or if you have questions about your eye health, call us to schedule an appointment with one of our caring eye care professionals. 

Symptom One: Red Eyes

Many things can cause red or bloodshot eyes, including allergies, pink eye, or eye trauma. Our eye care professionals can help determine the cause of your redness and develop a treatment plan for you! Be sure to mention your red-eye symptoms when scheduling your appointment! 

Symptom Two: Itchy Eyes

Itchy eyes are one of the most common eye symptoms that people experience. Again, there are many potential causes that could lead to itchy eyes, including allergies, contact lens usage, and prolonged use of digital devices. Even though it may provide temporary relief, you should never rub your eyes as it can add allergens or bacteria into your eye, compounding the issue. 

Symptom Three: Puffy Eyes

Swelling around the eyes is due to excessive fluids in the skin tissue, but there are a variety of reasons for that extra fluid to be present. Allergies, Dehydration, overconsumption of salt, lack of sleep, stress, and crying can all lead to eyes appearing puffy. 

Symptom Four: Burning Sensation in Eyes

If certain products, makeup, facial cleaners, or shampoo, come in contact with our eyes, we may experience a burning sensation in our eyes. If the burning sensation is a continued problem, identify your surroundings and the products you are using and try to reduce your exposure. If reducing your exposure isn’t an option, or if you are still suffering, call our office to schedule an appointment.

Symptom Five: Spots in Vision

Although this sounds scary, it isn’t necessarily a reason to worry. Spots or floaters are caused by protein and tissue in the gel-like matter in your eyes, and it is normal to occasionally see spots in your vision. This will even become increasingly common with age. If you are experiencing more spots or floaters than normal, call our practice to schedule an appointment, and be sure to mention your vision changes! 

Symptom Six: Painful Eyes

Call our office immediately if you have a foreign body enter your eye or if you are experiencing prolonged eye pain. While waiting for your appointment, remain calm, avoid rubbing your eye, and do not try to remove the object yourself. When speaking with our team, we may ask you to describe your symptoms in detail to help us pinpoint the cause. 

Our team of trained professionals is here to answer all of your eye-related questions! Schedule an appointment with us today, even if your eye health feels like it is in perfect condition!

Written by Art of Optometry

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