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5 Myths About Contact Lenses You Shouldn’t Believe

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Thinking about giving contact lenses a try but nervous they might not be right for you? Although the only guaranteed way to have a positive experience with contact lenses is to schedule an appointment with one of our eye care professionals, we want to address some of the common myths we hear about wearing contact lenses.

Myth One: I’m too old to wear contact lenses.

Some people believe once they reach a certain age, contact lenses are no longer appropriate or possible. If you develop the need for a corrective perception later in life and worry contact lenses will not work, talk to our team! We can explore your options for making contact lenses fit into your prescriptive needs and your lifestyle.

Myth Two: My child is too young to wear contact lenses.

On the flip side, most parents are cautious about their children wearing contact lenses. There are no age restrictions on wearing contacts. However, we like to ensure your child is responsible and mature enough to manage the application, removal, and care of contact lenses. If your child has expressed interest in contact lenses, our staff can advise whether they would be a suitable fit.

Myth Three: Contact lenses will get lost behind my eye.

We hear this one a lot, and we are here to confirm that this is physically impossible. Although contact lenses can shift in your eyes, there is a membrane that covers your eye which connects inside your eyelid that prevents anything from getting behind your eye. So even if your contact shifts slightly, never panic. It can be easily adjusted.

Myth Four: Contact lenses can get stuck to the eye.

This is another popular misconception. However, we believe it originates from improper wear, care, and removal, and not because contact lenses are a bad solution for individuals. In most situations where a contact feels stuck, your eye may simply be dry. Applying some rewetting drops should loosen them up and make them easy to remove.

Myth Five: I’ll never be able to put in contact lenses.

Placing contact lenses directly on your eye can be scary, especially the first few times, but our team is here to help! Our trained professionals will coach you through the process and ensure you are confident in your abilities to put in and take out your contact lenses before leaving the office.

We hope by debunking some of these common myths, your eyes are open to the idea of wearing contact lenses. Don’t let fear ruin your chances of living happily with contact lenses. Schedule an appointment with our team to talk about your specific needs, and we can explore your options together!

Written by Art of Optometry

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